- Follow the link to www.k2hampton.com
- Sign in
Blood Glucose - in normal ranges
- Navigate to Observations > Blood glucose
- Click add new blood glucose
- Change time to the time blood glucose was recorded (this is likely to be a few minutes before you enter it).
- Answer the following questions - Mandatory
- Timing of Reading
- Meal Type
- Enter the blood glucose - Mandatory
- Click Submit
- The blood glucose and questions will appear in the table (in chronological order - most recent at the top).
- Before Meal and After Meal results will appear on different charts.
- Click edit to change the value entered.
- Click Delete and confirm to delete the entry.
Please note: the edit and delete functions should only be used if mistakes are made not to change or delete data that is accurate.
All changes/deletions are logged in a full audit Trail.
Please note: if the observation entered displays entirely in black and no warning appears, then this observation is within range.
However, if the woman is concerned at all by the observation she should still contact her maternity service.
Blood Glucose - Change Chart Dates
It is possible to change the dates on the charts to see trends over different time periods.
- Click Change Dates
- Add in Start Date
- Add in End Date
- You cannot add dates in the future or an end date before start date.
- Click Submit
- The charts will change to the dates specified.
Please Note: The charts will maintain this for one day and then revert back to a default of one week.

Blood Glucose - Outside normal ranges
- Repeat previous steps above, as for blood glucose in the normal range.
- Blood Glucose results and questions that are out of range will appear on the table and on the charts.
- Values entered will either appear in Orange or Red depending on severity.
- Out of Range Observations will appear with either a Red or Orange Dot to indicate they are out of range.
- A warning will also appear at the top of the page indicating an action the woman should take. These can include;
- Contacting midwifery serviced immediately.
- Wait a specified amount of time and enter another observation.
- The Woman can click on the launch contact details, which will access the care providers contact details.
Blood Glucose - Add an Action
The woman is able to record that she acted on a recording and contacted her midwifery service.
Please note: The woman entering an action does not de-escalate the warning to the clinician. This is only done once the clinician has recorded an action.
- Click add action
- Change the time of the action (this is likely to be a few minutes before you enter it).
- Enter the Type of Action
- Add any other comments required.
- Click Submit.
- Actions will appear in the table in (in chronological order - most recent at the top) alongside the blood glucose observations.
- Click edit to change the value entered.
- Click Delete and confirm to delete the entry.
Please note: the edit and delete functions should only be used if mistakes are made not to change or delete data that is accurate. All changes/deletions are logged in a full audit Trail.
Congratulations! You should now be able to enter a blood glucose result, understand the appropriate action to take and record that an action has been taken.
Copyright © 2019. K2 Medical Systems Ltd. No part of this documentation may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or reproduced in any way, except in accordance with the terms of the applicable software license agreement. This documentation contains proprietary information of K2 Medical Systems Ltd. Patient data used within screenshots have been fabricated for the purpose of this manual.
Technical Support
If the User perceives a problem with the system, then this should be reported to a system administrator or senior staff member, in the first instance. If an issue cannot be resolved internally and the issue is directly attributed to K2 Hampton, then this should be escalated to K2’s support team, as per the Service Level Agreement.
Adverse Incidents
An adverse incident is an event that causes, or has the potential to cause, unexpected or unwanted effects involving the safety of device Users (including patients) or other persons as a result of a medical device failure or its misuse.
Further information can be found on the MHRA Website (UK), TGA Website (Australia) and HPRA Website (Ireland).
Should an adverse incident occur, or risk of an adverse incident increase, the appropriate K2 Support Team MUST be contacted at the earliest opportunity.
K2 Support UK & Ireland: 0044 (0) 1752 397 800, Opt 1 | support@k2ms.com
K2 Support Australia: 0061 (0) 3 8820 3160 | ausupport@k2ms.com
Address of Manufacture
K2 Hampton™ is produced by K2 Medical Systems at the following address:
K2 Medical Systems Ltd,
Summit View,
26 William Prance Road,